The aim of these lectures is to teach the fundamental principles of information
technology, focused on the application in mechanical engineering.
The contents and syllabus are geared towards the information technology required
by the mechanical engineering industry.
The basics are presented under following headings:
1. Introduction to information and communication technology
2. Methods for object-oriented software engineering
3. Data structures and algorithms
4. Mathematical and technical fundamentals
5. Communication and network technology
6. Methodological application of information and communication technology
The educational goals are:
- classifying hardware techniques and specifying the characteristics of software
- distinguishing simple object-oriented structures and appling them to object-oriented software engineering
- developing data structures and algorithms to solve use-case specific tasks
- explaining the relation between operating systems and application systems
- describing the progress of network technology
The accompanying tutorial in addition to this lecture is "Programmiersprachen
und -techniken" (Lv.Nr.: 16-07-5010-hü).
course documentation
The aim of these lectures is to teach the fundamental principles of information
technology, focused on the application in mechanical engineering.
The contents and syllabus are geared towards the information technology required
by the mechanical engineering industry.
The basics are presented under following headings:
1. Introduction to information and communication technology
2. Methods for object-oriented software engineering
3. Data structures and algorithms
4. Mathematical and technical fundamentals
5. Communication and network technology
6. Methodological application of information and communication technology
The educational goals are:
- classifying hardware techniques and specifying the characteristics of software
- distinguishing simple object-oriented structures and appling them to object-oriented software engineering
- developing data structures and algorithms to solve use-case specific tasks
- explaining the relation between operating systems and application systems
- describing the progress of network technology
The accompanying tutorial in addition to this lecture is "Programmiersprachen
und -techniken" (Lv.Nr.: 16-07-5010-hü).
course documentation
- Lehrende: Reiner Anderl
Semester: Inverno 2018/19
- Lehrende: Gelöschter User
- Lehrende: Eckhard Kirchner
- Lehrende: Stephan Rinderknecht
Semester: Inverno 2018/19
Dynamik des starren Rotors; Auswuchten starrer Rotoren;
Laval-Welle: Unwucht, äußere und innere Dämpfung, anisotrope Lager, unrunde Welle, Kreiseleinfluß, Resonanzdurchfahrt, Gleitlager, Magnetlager, Fanglager, Riss;
Mehrfach besetzte Welle;
Kontinuierliche Welle;
Verfahren der Übertragungsmatrizen;
Auswuchten elastischer Rotoren: Einflußzahlenmethode, Modalmethode.
Gasch, Nordmann, Pfützner: Rotordynamik. Springer 2002.
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl
Dynamik des starren Rotors; Auswuchten starrer Rotoren;
Laval-Welle: Unwucht, äußere und innere Dämpfung, anisotrope Lager, unrunde Welle, Kreiseleinfluß, Resonanzdurchfahrt, Gleitlager, Magnetlager, Fanglager, Riss;
Mehrfach besetzte Welle;
Kontinuierliche Welle;
Verfahren der Übertragungsmatrizen;
Auswuchten elastischer Rotoren: Einflußzahlenmethode, Modalmethode.
Gasch, Nordmann, Pfützner: Rotordynamik. Springer 2002.
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl
- Lehrende: Richard Markert
Semester: Inverno 2018/19