Condition, systems of linear and nonlinear equations, least squares minimization, interpolation, integration and differentiation, differential equations, difference schemes, programming exercises.

Deuflhard, Hohmann: Numerical Analysis in Modern Scientific Computing: An Introduction; Texts in Applied Mathematics 43, Springer 2003.
Stoer, Bulirsch: Introduction to Numerical Analysis; Texts in Applied Mathematics 12, Springer 2002
Matlab User Guide 

recommended: Analysis and Linear Algebra, Introduction to Scientific Programming

Semester: Inverno 2019/20
In an interplay between multidisciplinary relevant mathematical contents and its reflection we convey the significance and functionality of mathematics as the common language of natural sciences.

Mathematical Contents:
[*]Numbers, in particular real numbers
[*]Some special functions
[*]Approximation and power series
[*]Logarithms, pH-values, bits, and entropy
[*]Law of large numbers, limit theorems, and significance of data records
[*]Derivative and differential
[*]Modelling with differential equations
[*]Vector fields
[*]Linearity and superposition
[*]Many dimensions

Mathematical Reflections:
[*]All is number: blessing and curse of quantifying
[*]On the use of formulas: What you put into it and what you get out.
[*]Mathematical models of reality: capabilities and limitations
[*]On the truth of mathematics
[*]Historical remarks on mathematics as a language for natural sciences
[*]Mathematics is a very special language: Axioms, definitions, and proofs inside and outside of mathematics
[*]The abstractness of mathematics as a condition for its universal applicability

Depending on the target group, the support classes address students of mathematics, concentrating, amongst other things, on specialist aspects of mathematics; students who do not study mathematics are tutored in the fundamentals of handling mathematical language in its stead.

Georg Glaeser: Der mathematische Werkzeugkasten. Anwendungen in Natur und Technik. Springer Spektrum.

Tilo Arens et al.: Mathematik. Springer Spektrum.



Semester: Inverno 2019/20

Semester: Inverno 2019/20