This course covers a broad range of techniques to capture and model our world with a focus on application in computer graphics and computer vision. This includes:
- basic tools and calibration techniques required in capturing applications
- capturing and modeling techniques for various object properties (such as geometry and reflectance)
- basic set of relevant mathematical modeling and optimization techniques
- implementation and practical application of several techniques

Noriko Kurachi: The Magic of Computer Graphics. A K Peters/CRC Press
Richard Szeliski: Algorithms and Applications, Springer
Marcus Magnor, Oliver Grau, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, Christian Theobalt: Digital Representations of the Real World: How to Capture, Model, and Render Visual Reality
Wolfgang Förstner, Bernhard P. Wrobel: Photogrammetric Computer Vision - Geometry, Orientation and Reconstruction (not yet published)

Participation in lecture Graphische Datenverarbeitung I or Computer Vision I
Basic knowledge in C/C

Semester: Verão 2018