State space description of discrete-time systems, controllability, observability, state feedback controller, pole assignment, PI-state feedback controller, discrete state observers, modified Luenberger observer

Lecture notes Konigorski: "Digitale Regelungssysteme"
Ackermann: "Abtastregelung"
Aström, Wittenmark: "Computer-controlled Systems"
Föllinger: "Lineare Abtastsysteme"
Phillips, Nagle: "Digital control systems analysis and design"
Unbehauen: "Regelungstechnik 2: Zustandsregelungen, digitale und nichtlineare Regelsysteme"

Knowledge of the z-transform as well as the fundamentals of discrete-time control systems. These fundamentals are taught in the lecture “Digital Control systems I”.

Semester: ST 2018