This lecture gives a broad overview of central topics in modern corporate finance (such as mergers and acquisitions, financial distress, managerial incentives, payout policy, corporate governance and empirical methods). The course will introduce students to theoretical concepts and empirical research on central topics of corporate finance. By the end of the course, students will have a general understanding of the main issues in theoretical and empirical corporate finance and the methodologies used to obtain these results. The lectures will be held in German and students will have to read paper or book chapter for each lecture. The final oral test will be in German.

Berk & DeMarzo (2007) "Corporate Finance"

The level of the course is addressed to students with a good knowledge of fundamental concepts in financial economics. Although not a prerequisite, interested students should ideally have attended basic as well as intermediate finance classes prior to taking this course.

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl

Official Course Description
This lecture gives a broad overview of central topics in modern corporate finance (such as mergers and acquisitions, financial distress, managerial incentives, payout policy, corporate governance and empirical methods). The course will introduce students to theoretical concepts and empirical research on central topics of corporate finance. By the end of the course, students will have a general understanding of the main issues in theoretical and empirical corporate finance and the methodologies used to obtain these results. The lectures will be held in German and students will have to read paper or book chapter for each lecture. The final oral test will be in German.

Zusätzliche Informationen
taught in English since summer term 2016

Semester: Verão 2018