The seminar covers a wide range of methodological issues related to telephone surveys in Europe and the United States. The method of telephone surveys will be discussed alongside the concept of the total survey error: Accordingly, we will start with the discussion of coverage issues and continue with sampling and nonresponse problems associated to collecting survey data with telephone surveys. In addition, we will address measurement issues (interviewer effect, response error, mode effects) and also consider weighting issues (adjustment error).

Participants are expected to contribute to the seminar with a presentation in one of the sessions. Also, participants are expected to serve as a discussant to other presentations held by fellow classmates.

Tucker, C., & Lepkowski, J. M. (2008). Telephone survey methods: adapting to change. In J. M. Lepkowski, C. Tucker, J. M. Brick, E. D. de Leeuw, L. Japec, P. J. Lavrakas, M. W. Link & R. L. Sangster (Eds.), Advances in telephone survey methodology (pp. 3-26). Hoboken: Wiley.

For each session of the seminar, basic introductory literature will be provided in a moodle course.


Semester: SoSe 2019