Buxmann, P. (2000): Informationsmanagement in vernetzten Unternehmen. Wiesbaden: Gabler.
Buxmann, P., Miklitz, T. (2005): IT-Standardisierung und -Integration bei M&A-Projekten. In B. W. Wirtz (Hrsg.), Integriertes Mergers & Acquisitions Management. Wiesbaden: Gabler.
Krcmar, H. (2005): Informationsmanagement (4. Aufl.). Berlin: Springer.
Shapiro, C.,; Varian, H. R. (1999): Information Rules. Harvard Business School Press.
Voß, S., Gutenschwager, K. (2001): Informationsmanagement. Berlin: Springer.

The module E-Business or Wirtschaftsinformatik is recommended.

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl

Further Grading Information
[*]Ability to understand the challenges of Information Management.
[*]Ability to understand the respective advantages and disadvantages of different alternatives of organizing information management.
[*]Ability to understand and apply methods for profitability analysis in order to evaluate the usage of information and communication technologies.
[*]Understand to which extent information and communication technology can be considered a competitive factor.
[*] Ability to understand the advantages and disadvantages of using standards in information systems und give decision support concerning the usage of IT standards.

Official Course Description
The lecture covers important topics of Information Management. These include (among others)
[*]Business Intelligence
[*]IT Architecture Management
[*]Service-oriented Architectures
[*]IT-Integration after Mergers & Acquisitions
[*]Organization of the Information Management
[*]Descicions regarding the uses of standards and value of IT.

Additional Information
Materials are provided via CLIX. An exercise is offered to deepen comprehension. Language of this module is German.

Semester: WT 2019/20