Digitale Lehre
The course Virtuelle Produktentwicklung B: Produktdatenmanagement (ViP-B) will be held as an [b]online teaching[/b] in SoSe 2021. The lecture will be digitally broadcasted and complemented by additional digital materials such as demonstrations and exercises.

The online teaching will start at the 12.04.2021[/b]) and will take place on the weekdays and times specified in the schedule (see TUCaN).

 The technical access to the online teaching takes place via [b]Moodle[/b]. Here you will also find the link to the online broadcast before the lecture. You were automatically registered for the ViP-B Moodle course when you registered in TUCaN. If you have any problems with the Moodle course, please contact the supervising research assistant [b]Vladimir Kutscher[/b]. You will then receive all further information via Moodle.

This course gives an introduction into the methods and tools of the PDM-technologie.

The course covers:

- knowledge and understanding of PDM-methods in the context of a product
development process,
- knowledge about PDM basics,
- understanding of organisational prerequisites,
- knowledge about the architecture and the functionality of PDM-systems.


Semester: Verão 2021