Digitale Lehre
For up-to-date information concerning the  implementation of the course (an e-learning-only format of the course is not feasible) you are referred to:
[url=https://For up-to-date information concerning the implementation of the course in digital form (e-learning format) you are referred to:][/url]

[*]Hands-on programming experience with C in the development of embedded software systems for autonomous driving based on a model car
[*]Application of control methods from the area of autonomous driving
[*]Application of software engineering techniques (design, documentation, test, ...) of a non-trivial embedded software system with hard real-time requirements and limited resources (memory, ...)
[*]Use of a given software framework and further libraries including a modular (real-time) operating system
[*]Hands-on experience using source code management systems, time management and other project management tools
[*]Presentations of the project results


Recommended prerequisites are:
[*]ETiT/DT, iST, Informatik, WI-ET/DT: Basic software technology knowledge and advanced knowledge of object-oriented programming languages (especially C )
Additionally desired:
[*]Basic knowledge of the development of real-time systems or image processing
[*]ETiT/AUT, MEC: Basic knowledge in control engineering including state space control design, some additional basic knowledge in digital control design may be helpful

Zusätzliche Informationen
More information also for registration can be found at [url][/url] or in Moodle.

Bemerkung Webportal
Groups of 4 students are assigned tasks to implement different but interdependent extensions and subsystems of a model-car (with a Fujitsu micro-controller and various sensors). Due to limited resources, the number of participants is restricted. Registration is therefore necessary.


Additional Information

Semester: WT 2020/21