Digitale Lehre
The seminar will take place digitally via Zoom. More detailed information and the exact structure and implementation of the seminar will be explained in the first Zoom session.

The aim is to bring students together with established and renowned researchers in a special teaching format. Students will not only present their results (as a presentation and/or in written form), but will also have the opportunity to exchange ideas with researchers whose work will be discussed in the seminar. This is intended to provide a deeper understanding of the topic, the research and the scientific networking.
The research texts, which range between philosophy and history, are made available at Moodle.


Official Course Description
Particularly in the digital age, people are increasingly dependent on the technologies around them. More and more rapidly and radically, what we describe as "man" is itself being put at our disposal. The question of where "man" begins and where "technology" ends is both a historical and systematic question. Throughout the centuries, what "man" and what "technology" was has been defined differently. The boundaries were sometimes fiercely contested. Systematically, philosophy has always been concerned with distinguishing the status of "man" from that of "animal" and "machine".
The seminar will discuss and reflect on different interpretations, especially with regard to modern technosciences. In a special teaching format, the aim is to bring students together with renowned (guest) researchers who are doing relevant research on the seminar topics. To this end, the seminar aims at an exchange with international researchers. This is intended to provide a deeper understanding of the topic, research and scientific networking.

Semester: WT 2020/21