Digitale Lehre
[u]Seminar lectures[/u]
The lectures will be uploaded as pre-recorded videos and pdf-files. The records will only be available for two weeks, the slides (pdf-files) will be available until the end of the semester.

[u]Online meetings[/u]
The seminar also comprises online meetings using the conference application Zoom (technical requirements: internet access, optionally microphone and camera).  The times and links for the sessions will be announced in moodle (you will be automatically informed via TU-mail). The participation in the online meetings is mandatory for all students.

Communication of all information and changes as well as materials for the lecture takes place via the moodle course ([url][/url]), which is activated shortly before the start of the lecture and to which all participants are automatically added. In this way, students can communicate directly with each other and with the lecturers about content-specific or organizational aspects. For further questions, online consultation hours can be arranged with the teachers.

Empirical analysis in the context of sustainable urban development.

[*]C. R. Kothari (2009) Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, New Age Publications, 414p
[*]Ranjit Kumar (2010) Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners, SAGE Publications Ltd, 440p
[*]J. Mouton, H.C. Marais(1990) Basic Concepts in the Methodology of the Social Sciences, HSRC Press, 285p
[*]Elisabete A. Silva, Patsy Healey,Neil Harris, and Pieter Van den Broeck (2015),  Handbook of Planning Research,  Routledge, 572p
[*]Anon Bhattacherjee (2012): Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices. USF Tampa Bay Open Access Textbooks Collection. Book 3


Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl

Weitere Informationen
eine Anmeldung ist nur bis zum 01.11.2020 möglich

Offizielle Kursbeschreibung
The scientific analysis and understanding of urban development require the skill to carry out empirical study and analyse empirical data. In urban development, both qualitative and quantitative data are significant. The course equips students with some basic skills in research design and practical skills to assist them in their own research.
[*]The course will enable the participants to understand basic rules in empirical research.
[*]The students develop a basic understanding of and competence in the use of quantitative and qualitative data in social research.
[*]The students understand the main steps in carrying a research project in social sciences, focusing on urban development issues: identifying research problem, establishing research questions and objectives, choosing relevant research method, drafting research design, collecting and processing data, writing reports.
[*]The students are able to apply these skills to an urban planning and development problem


Semester: WiSe 2020/21