[*]Foundations of internet economics: properties of digital goods and in-formation, chances and risks when offering digital goods (digital value chain, digital rights management, multi channel management), network effects and standardization economy, example: digital books;
[*]Economical principals of the software industry: market overview, strategies for vendors of digital goods (cooperations and acquisitions, software cluster, distribution and pricing strategies), additional topics (plat-form strategies, SaaS, Cloud Computing).

Buxmann, P., Diefenbach, H., Hess, Th.: Die Softwareindustrie. Ökonomische Prinzipien, Strategien, Perspektiven
Lambrecht A., Skiera B.: Paying too much and being happy about it: existence, causes, and consequences of tariff-choice biases. Journal of Marketing Research 43, S. 212–223
Lehmann, S., Buxmann, P.: Preisstrategien von Softwareanbietern; Wirtschaftsinformatik 51(6) S. 519-529
Strube, J., Buxmann, P., Pohl, G.: Der Einfluss von Digital Rights Management auf die Zahlungsbereitschaften für Online-Musik - Untersuchung auf Basis einer Conjointanalyse, Zeitschrift für Medienwirtschaft
Buxmann, P.: Informationsmanagement in vernetzten Unternehmen
Buxmann, P., Miklitz, T.: IT-Standardisierung und -Integration bei M&A-Projekten, In: Wirtz, Bernd W. (Hrsg.): Integriertes Mergers & Acquisitions Management
Krcmar, H.: Informationsmanagement
Shapiro, C., Varian, H. R.: Information Rules

Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik und Geschäftsprozess- und Unternehmensmodelierung

Additional Information
After the courses the students are able to
[*]    understand the principles of Internet Economics from both a theoretical and practical point of view.
[*]    understand the main challenges for suppliers of digital goods, particularly with regard to the cost structure.
[*]    understand the main challenges as well as the potential of the internet for vendors of digital goods.
[*]    identify and evaluate the essential influencing factors of strategies for vendors of digital goods.
[*]    understand strategies and business models of software vendors.

Semester: WT 2021/22