Offizielle Kursbeschreibung
There are several credit requirements, determined by the students’ study program. The following provisions might not apply to all students, please check with your study program about the specific provisions for your case.

To obtain credits for participation (Beteiligungsnachweis - BN), students are expected to complete the required readings and to actively participate in discussions. They must also provide response papers based on the readings for at least four of the sessions. While these are not graded, submission of these response papers is necessary for the obtention of the BN. In their response papers, of less than one page, students are expected to put forward one or twoquestions related to the readings, highlighting issues that they found particularly interesting, challenging or problematic. These questions will be presented in class and discuss as a group. Response papers have to be circulated to both instructor and other participants by Friday, 1pm preceding the seminar via Moodle.

To obtain credits for the module (Modulabschlussprüfung - AP), students must -in addition to the above requirements - write a term paper. Term papers should be in English, of a maximum extension of 5000 words (bibliography included). The paper should address a major question in the study of terrorism and include a literature review, theoretical argument, and empirical evaluation of the theory, but alternative formats can be discussed. Students are expected to propose potential topics themselves, these proposals will need to be confirmed with me by session 14 or earlier. Theme papers themselves need to be submitted by September 30th, 2021.

Alternatively, and instead of a written essay, students can take a 30min oral examination for the fulfilment of their credits. The exam would take place remotely and with a second faculty member present. Please refer to your study programme specific credit provisions to see whether a written or an oral examination are available for you.


Semester: SoSe 2021