The following learning content is taught in the Mentoring:
•    reflection of own study decision and situation,
•    basics of the working techniques,
•    learning techniques and time management methods.
The mentoring consists of student-led tutorials in the scope of normally twelve units consist-ing of group and one-on-one talks, as well as workshop elements and the simulation of an examination situation.
For students without exam success in the first semester (WiSe) in an examination in the field of "fundamentals of electrical engineering and information technology" or "fundamentals of mathematics" of the study and examination plan, the second semester (SoSe) takes place, usually in the scope of three units consisting of one-to-one-talks and workshop elements.


•    Kurt Landau, Arbeitstechniken für Studierende der Ingenieurswissenschaften; Verlag ergonomia oHG, Stuttgart, ISBN 3-935089-65-1
•    Kurt Landau, Besser studieren! Übungsbuch zum Werk Arbeitstechniken; Verlag er-gonomia oHG, Stuttgart, ISBN 3-935089-67-X
•    Other materials are provided in Moodle


Semester: WT 2020/21