Digitale Lehre
Please look at the lecture course of this module for information.

Programming knowledge in Matlab and/or Python is [b]required[/b]

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl

Further Grading Information
We [u][b]strongly recommend[/b][/u] that you take both courses of the module in the same semester. However, it is still possible to take them separately.

[b]The practical part is only offered in the winter semester! It is impossible to do this exam in summer semester![/b]

Official Course Description
This course serves exclusively to coordinate and conduct the practical part of the exam. Successful participation in both courses is mandatory for passing the module "Machine Learning Applications". 

The complete course description and further information can be found in the lecture course (16-23-3174-vl) of the module.


Semester: WT 2020/21