Digitale Lehre
The course will take place entirely over Zoom with the support of materials and exercises on the Moodle platform.

This course is designed for participants who wish to acquire the basics of the Dutch language. The goal of the course is to be able to communicate in everyday situations. We will be using games and activities to practise these skills. We will explore the special characteristics and regularities of Dutch and learn about the mind set of the Dutch and their culture. We will then work on further improving tenses and other special features of Dutch. We will practise spontaneous oral communication with the aid of texts.

Welkom!, Neu A1-A2, Klett-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-12-528990-1


Further Grading Information
Requirement for course completion: will be announced in class

Zusätzliche Informationen
General Language

Semester: Inverno 2020/21