Hybride Lehre
Based on the directions of TU Darmstadt the course "Mechanics of Elastic Structures 2" during the summer term 2022 will again be offered in attendance. The course will start on Tuesday, 12.04.2022. In addition to the offline mode, however, as last summer, recordings of lectures and exercises will also be published in Moodle at the times scheduled in the timetable in order to realize a hybrid concept. For more details please have a look at the [url=https://moodle.tu-darmstadt.de]Moodle[/url]-platform. 

Plane Laminates
Shells of Revolution
Spatial Problems
Variational and Energy Problems

W. Becker, D. Gross: Mechanik elastischer Körper und Strukturen. Springer-Verlag 2002.

Mechanics of Elastic Structures I

Further Grading Information
For more information see [url=https://moodle.tu-darmstadt.de]Moodle[/url] and [url=http://www.fsm.tu-darmstadt.de/lehre_fsm/lehre_fsm_1/mechanikelastischerstrukturen_2/index.de.jsp]website FSM[/url]


Semester: ST 2022