Digital Teaching
Lectures will be recorded and published on Moodle. There will be (online) question sessions every week.

We start with a thorough introduction to graph theory, mostly following Diestel's excellent book. After classical topics such as connectivity, matchings, flows and colouring, we will put special emphasis on graph structure theory: planar graphs and, more generally, graphs drawable on a fixed surface and graph classes and other sparse graph classes. Finally, connections to finite model thoery will be explored.

Biggs: Algebraic Graph Theory, Cambridge University Press
Bollobás: Modern Graph Theory, Springer Verlag
Diestel: Graph Theory, 5th edition, Springer Verlag
Mohar, Thomassen: Graphs on Surfaces, JHU Press
Tutte: Graph Theory, Cambridge University Press

The course has very few specific prerequisites apart from “mathematical maturity”. A good grasp of linear algebra will be beneficial.

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please also visit the moodle page of the course, where you will find further important information:


Semester: ST 2021