Digitale Lehre
This seminar will take place as a workshop in St Petersburg. In preparation, we will be meeting in small groups, normally in person.

Das Seminar „Konstruktivisten, Biokosmisten und der Neue Mensch: Technik und Philosophie in Petrograd und Leningrad“ findet als Blockseminar in St. Petersburg statt. Es besteht darin, dass sich die Studierenden auf eine Themenstellung vorbereiten und diese dann im Rahmen eines Vortrags (20 Minuten Präsentation, 30 Minuten Diskussion) einem Publikum aus Darmstädter und russischen Studierenden in Petersburg vorstellen. Vortrags-, Diskussions-, und somit Seminarsprache ist demnach Englisch. Andere Vorträge werden von russischen ProfessorInnen beigesteuert, dazu kommt ein kleines Exkursionsprogramm. Die Finanzierung erfolgt weitgehend aus QSL und DAAD/Erasmus Mitteln.

The seminar „Constructivists, Biocosmists, and the New Human: Technology and Philosophy in Petrograd and Leningrad” is focused on the Soviet period (1914-1991), with special attention to the early years. We will focus on Alexander Bogdanov (science fiction author and systems theorist). His “tektology” prefigures theories of the anthropocene and ecological crisis, his “empiriomonism” provoked Lenin’s “empiriocriticism” – and Red Planet remains to this day an extraordinarily thoughtful and twisted science fiction novel. A second focus will be on Nikolai Bernstein with his work in mathematics, biomechanics, the physiology of motion and theory of labor – and his controversy with Pavlow. Both of Bogdanow and Bernstein allow us to explore interesting connections to the Russian avantgarde, that is, to the poetry of Majakowsky the theater of Meyerhold, the films of Eisenstein, and the constructivism of Malevich, Tatlin and El Lissitzky, and the “new human being” - envisioned also by Trotsky – who is shaped by and becomes part of technological agency. Students can prepare presentations also on other authors and themes.

This seminar was originally planned for March 2020 - it will now be held in St Petersburg March 23 to 27, 2022.

There will be several dates for preliminary meetings in Darmstadt, the first on Nov 9 between 5 and 7pm (in several small groups). If you are interested, please write to -

The seminar will be supported from QSL funds and most likely from DAAD/Erasmus for the cost of air travel.

Offizielle Kursbeschreibung
Das Seminar „Konstruktivisten, Biokosmisten und der Neue Mensch: Technik und Philosophie in Petrograd und Leningrad“ findet als Blockseminar in St. Petersburg statt. Es besteht darin, dass sich die Studierenden auf eine Themenstellung vorbereiten und diese dann im Rahmen eines Vortrags (20 Minuten Präsentation, 30 Minuten Diskussion) einem Publikum aus Darmstädter und russischen Studierenden in Petersburg vorstellen. Vortrags-, Diskussions-, und somit Seminarsprache ist demnach Englisch. Andere Vorträge werden von russischen ProfessorInnen beigesteuert, dazu kommt ein kleines Exkursionsprogramm. Die Finanzierung erfolgt weitgehend aus QSL und DAAD/Erasmus Mitteln.

The seminar „Constructivists, Biocosmists, and the New Human: Technology and Philosophy in Petrograd and Leningrad” is focused on the Soviet period (1914-1991), with special attention to the early years. We will focus on Alexander Bogdanov (science fiction author and systems theorist). His “tektology” prefigures theories of the anthropocene and ecological crisis, his “empiriomonism” provoked Lenin’s “empiriocriticism” – and Red Planet remains to this day an extraordinarily thoughtful and twisted science fiction novel. A second focus will be on Nikolai Bernstein with his work in mathematics, biomechanics, the physiology of motion and theory of labor – and his controversy with Pavlow. Both of Bogdanow and Bernstein allow us to explore interesting connections to the Russian avantgarde, that is, to the poetry of Majakowsky the theater of Meyerhold, the films of Eisenstein, and the constructivism of Malevich, Tatlin and El Lissitzky, and the “new human being” - envisioned also by Trotsky – who is shaped by and becomes part of technological agency. Students can prepare presentations also on other authors and themes.

Zusätzliche Informationen
This seminar was originally planned for March 2020 - it will now be held in St Petersburg March 23 to 27, 2022. There will be several dates for preliminary meetings in Darmstadt, the first on Nov 9 between 5 and 7pm (in several small groups). If you are interested, please write to -- The seminar will be supported from QSL funds and most likely from DAAD/Erasmus for the cost of air travel.


Semester: WT 2021/22