Digital Teaching
The course is planned digitally in WS 21/22.

Classification of geoinformation law in the different legal forms
National and international legal conditions for the collection and dissemination of satellite data
National legal conditions for the collection of aerial photographs and in situ data
Environmental laws
Access to public information and geodata: PSI Directive, Information Reuse Act (IWG), INSPIRE, GeoZG (federal government), Hessian Surveying and Geoinformation Act HVGG.
Licensing agreements for the receipt of geodata
Intensification of the learning content by means of fictitious role plays (data provider vs. data consumer)

Will be announced at the beginning of the lecture.

Zusätzliche Informationen
The lectures will be held by the lecturer Dr Martin Mittelbach, lawyer.

The lecture dates (block courses) are agreed with the students in a kick-off meeting.


Semester: Inverno 2021/22