Digital Teaching
Lecture and tutorial will be offered at the designated time as an online course via Zoom or as a recording. The access data can be found under Moodle. During the online lecture, active participation is desired, either by speaking or by using the chat function. The event will be recorded and subsequently made available for a week for individual review. Downloading the recording or your own recording of the course is prohibited. The slides used in the course will be made available in Moodle as a pdf file after the course for the remainder of the semester.

Special cases of real estate valuation: compensation for expropriation, public utility land, initial and final value in urban redevelopment and development procedures, agricultural land, forest, mining land, compensatory land,
International valuation methods: discounted cash flow, residual value
Special cases of urban land readjustment: allocation of development land subject to contributions, compensatory land, provision of substitute land, noise protection facilities
Instruments of special urban planning law: urban redevelopment, development procedures Rural development: problems of developing rural areas; village renewal; special cases of land consolidation: Simplified land consolidation procedures, corporate land consolidation, forest and vineyard land consolidation

Dieterich: Baulandumlegung, Beck Verlag;
Sprengnetter: Grundstücksbewertung, Wertermittlungsforum;
Kleiber/Simon/Weyers: Verkehrswertermittlung von Grundstücken;
Schwantag/Wingerter: Flurbereinigung

necessary: Bodenordnung und Bodenwirtschaft I
strongly recommended: Kommunale Bauleitplanung I
recommended: Kommunale Bauleitplanung II

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl

Official Course Description
After attending the course, students are able to,
- solve special cases of real estate valuation independently.
- apply international valuation methods.
- develop and implement urban renewal concepts.
- initiate and implement developments of rural areas, including settlement areas.

Semester: WT 2021/22