The principle of responsibility outlined by Hans Jonas at the end of the 1970s is an attempt to establish an ethics for technological civilization. In view of the enormously increased power of action that modern technology opens up to humankind, classical ethics offer no orientation in the question of how to deal with it with regard to possible side effects, late effects or long-distance effects, according to Jonas' findings. His answer to this question has significantly influenced the development of current debates on bioethics, ethics of technology and environmental politics. The proseminar aims to provide an introduction to the principle of responsibility in a step-by-step exploration of the book and to test and discuss the possibilities and limits of this philosophical approach on the basis of paradigmatic as well as current case studies.  

Official Course Description
The "Classics Seminar" is dedicated to the reading of Hans Jonas: "The Principle of Responsibility".

Semester: Verão 2022