Latin I is the first part of the two-semester Latin course, which is designed to impart knowledge of classical Latin that is an indispensable prerequisite for meaningful academic work with Latin sources of all kinds. The aim of the course is to impart fundamental knowledge of formal theory and syntax. The teaching material used contains mainly adapted texts by Roman authors. In addition to the acquisition of linguistic knowledge, some aspects of Roman culture and literature will also be examined. The lessons are principally based on the textbook "Unikurs Latein" by Peter Kuhlmann.

The progression of the textbook largely determines the topics of the individual sessions with regard to the subject matter (e.g. grammar, vocabulary): Conjugation of verbs in the present tense, declension of nouns, functions of the ablative, AcI, various demonstrative pronouns and the relative pronoun, relative clause connection, dat. possessivus and dat. finalis, deponentia. The corresponding vocabulary is also acquired during the course.

Kuhlmann: Unikurs Latein, Buchner-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-7661-7595-3


Further Grading Information
Requirement for course completion: two written exams

A dictionary must not be used during the written examinations, because a clear understanding of the text can be achieved by mastering the vocabulary. Of course, the written exam only contains vocabulary that was to be learned in the vocabulary of the textbook.

Zusätzliche Informationen
General Language

Bemerkung Webportal
The final exam must be passed in order to pass the course. This course can be used as preparation for the national Latinum examination. Latin I and II together serve as the prerequisite for acceptance into the bachelor programme in history.

Additional Information
general language

Semester: Verão 2022