A. Introduction

?B. Mechanics
B.1. Motion of mass points
B.2. Principle laws of mechanics
B.3. Work, power, and energy
B.4. Rotations, oscillations, and waves
B.5. Motion of rigid bodies
B.6. Gravitation
B.7. Relativistic mechanics
B.8. Mechanics of deformable bodies

C. Thermodynamics
C.1. Temperature
C.2. Heat
C.3. Heat transport
C.4. Ideal und real gases
C.5. Kinetic gas theory
C.6. Principle laws of thermodynamics

B.1. Motion
3. Mechanics of Point Masses
4. Mechanics of the Rigid Body
5. Relativistic Mechanics
6. Elasticity
7. Oscillations
8. Waves
9. Thermodynamics
10. Hydrodynamics

There exists a large number of suitable textbooks. The content of these
textbooks surpasses generally considerably the content of the lecture.
For this reason, the lecture will not proceed according to a specific
textbook. However, the textbooks are suitable and in fact necessary to
increase understanding and to clarify problems, which could not completely
be settled in the lecture, also because of lack of time. Therefore, it
is highly recommended that each student uses textbooks.
Suitable textbooks are listed in the following:
1. M. Alonso und E. Finn, 'Physik', Addison-Wesley (German
translation, also available in the englich original text)
2. K. Atkins, 'Physik', de Gruyter (German translation)
3. K. Dransfeld, P. Kienle, H. Vonach u. a., 'Physik', Einführungskurs
für Studierende der Naturwissenschaften, Oldenbourg, 4 volumes
4. D. Meschede, 'Gerthsen: Physik', Springer
5. D. Halliday und R. Resnik, 'Physik' (German translation, 2 volumes),
de Gruyter; 'Fundamentals of Physics' (english original edition),
6. E. Hering, R. Martin und M.Stohrer, 'Physik für Ingenieure',
7. H. Niedrig, 'Physik', Springer
8. J. Orear, 'Physik', Hanser (German translation)
9. H. Paus, 'Physik in Experimenten und Beispielen', Hanser
10. H. Stroppe, Physik für Studierende der Natur- und
Technikwissenschaften, Hanser



Semester: Inverno 2022/23