Electron probes of atomic dimensions are nowadays available in modern scanning transmission electron microscopes and make possible the efficient realization of incoherent imaging. The incoherent image uses high-angle scattering which leads to strong atomic number (Z) contrast and gives rise to "Z-contrast imaging". In the quest for higher resolution to understand the atomic origins of materials properties incoherent imaging appears to hold substantial advantages. This lecture will cover the (a) physical principles of incoherent imaging, (b) the electron Ronchigram, (c) instrumentation and alignment, (d) spherical aberration correction, (e) simulation and interpretation of Z-contrast images and (f) applications for nanostructure characterization and materials sciences. The course will also include methods in 4D-STEM.


Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy: Imaging and Analysis. Stephen J. Pennycook, Peter D. Nellist, Springer
Aberration-corrected Analytical Electron Microscopy (RMS - Royal Microscopical Society). Rik Brydson
Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Textbook for Materials Science. David B. Williams & C. Barry Carter


Semester: SoSe 2022