Einführung in die Tiefbohrtechnik und geothermische Kraftwerkstechnik inklusive Vorstellung der wesentlichen Anlagenkomponenten und notwendigen Verfahrenstechnik: Drill Rigs I (Hook load, Hoisting, Top Drive, Drill String, Drill Pipe, Stabilizer, Bits, ROP), Drill Rigs II (Mud System, Feststoffkontrollsystem, BOP), Well Completion (Casing, Cementation, Wellhead), Well Control (Well Hydraulics, Blowouts, Kill Methods), Trouble Shooting & Special Services (Fishing, Perforation, Fracking, Side Tracking, Coring), Drilling Operations (Directional Drilling, Mudmotors, MWD/LWD, UBD), Borehole Logging and Geophysical Measurements, 2D-3D-VSP Seismik; Risk Assessment; Thermodynamik für CHP/Kraftwerkstechnik; Dry Steam, Flash & Double Flash Geothermal Power Plants, Binary Cycles (ORC/Kalina, district heating).

Huenges et al. (2010): Geothermal Energy Systems: Exploration, Development, and Utilization.- Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Yoseph Bar-Cohen (Editor) & Kris Zacny et al. (2009): Drilling in Extreme Environments.- Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KgaA
Schaumberg, G. (1998): Bohrloch-Kontroll-Handbuch.- Bohrmeisterschule Celle
Bellarby, J. (2009): Well Completion Design.- Elsevier Science
Buja, H.-O. (2011): Handbuch der Tief-, Flach-, Geothermie- und Horizontalbohrtechnik.- DOI 10.1007/978-3-8348-9943-9_7, Vieweg Teubner Verlag, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden.
DiPippo, R. (2008): Geothermal Power Plants - Principles, Applications, Case Studies and Environment Impact.- 2nd Edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam.


Semester: SoSe 2022