Like paper machines, food processing machines or packaging machines, printing machines belong to the group of converting machines. Processing machines are machines for "fabric processing". They are generally used in the manufacture of mass consumer goods.
With printing machines, printing inks are applied in layer thicknesses of about 1 µm (one hair has a diameter of 60 - 100 µm), whereby the slightest fluctuations in the layer thickness can already be perceived by the eye of a person (without a measuring device). The quality demands on the construction and the process engineering design are therefore very high. The lecture examines the question of how a printing press should be built which
- over the entire printing width (0.2... 4.2 m),
- over the entire print length,
- ... and
- over the life of the machine (> 10 years)
produces a constant, accepted print quality?

To meet these requirements, printing machines have several system components:
- Mechanics (design and construction, materials, surfaces)
- Control and regulation technology
- Sensor technology specific to the printing material
- software
- process engineering specific to printing materials and applications
The lecture focuses on the constructive implementation of the printing process technology specific to the printing material and application and the special features of the constructive design and layout. Many aspects are explained using concrete examples.

The German printing press manufacturers are technological leaders; they have a world market share of approx. 60 %. Within a radius of approx. 150 km there are several manufacturers with offers for internships, theses and vacancies.

After an introduction, the basics of printing technology are explained. The process systematics of printing machines is presented, with particular emphasis on the working principles and film splitting. Then the boundary conditions (e.g. global mains voltages, technical availability) are explained in the design system and some assemblies (e.g. printing unit, bearings) are analysed in detail.
The lecture slides and additional documents are provided on moodle. The purchase of a book is not necessary. The courses Machine Elements and Mechatronics I and II are recommended as prerequisites for participation. Previous knowledge of printing technology is not necessary, but the knowledge of the lecture Introduction to Printing and Media Technology is helpful.

The examination (approx. 35 minutes) is oral and starts with a lecture (5 minutes, max. 6 minutes) on a topic of your choice from the lecture content. The selection of the presentation topic does not have to be registered or approved in advance. Aids (PowerPoint, index cards,...) are not permitted, but demonstrators, models or sketches can be prepared and brought to the presentation. Afterwards, the examiner will ask questions about the presentation and its subject area for approx. 5 minutes. This is followed by an examination talk on two topics of the lecture (approx. 20 minutes). If required, further short questions from different subject areas can be asked.

The examinations are individual appointments, i.e. only one person per appointment is checked. The examination dates can be arranged at any time in the winter semester or summer semester. However, they should be agreed with the secretariat at least 4 weeks in advance.

[b]Target audience[/b]
The lecture is aimed at students in the Master's programme of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The lecture is intended in particular for students with an interest in design and development, taking into account process engineering aspects. It is well suited as a supplement to the lectures "Product Development" or "Mechatronic Systems". Students from other faculties can participate, provided that the examination regulations provide for this possibility.

Kipphan, H.: Handbuch der Printmedien. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2000
Aull, M.: Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch Druck, Verlag Beruf Schule, Itzehoe 2012

The lecture Machine Elements and Mechatronics I and II is recommended. Knowledge of the lecture Introduction to Printing and Media Technology is helpful.

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl


Additional Information
For further informations please see the [url=http://www.idd.tu-darmstadt.de][u]homepage[/u][/url].

Semester: ST 2022