Construction and function of induction machine, synchronous machine, direct current machine. Electromagnetic field within machines, armature windings, steady-state performance as motor/generator, application as line-fed and inverter-fed drives. Significance for electric power generation, both to the grid and in stand-alone version.

Detailed textbook and collection of exercices; Complete set of PowerPoint presentations
L.Matsch: Electromagnetic and electromechanical machines, Int.Textbook, 1972
A.Fitzgerald et al: Electric machinery, McGraw-Hill, 1971
S.Nasar et al: Electromechanics and electric machines, Wiley&Sons, 1995
R.Fischer: Elektrische Maschinen, C.Hanser-Verlag, 2004

Mathematics I to III, Electrical Engineering I and II, Physics, Mechanical Engineering

Further Grading Information

Semester: WT 2022/23