Digital Teaching
The lectures will be offered weekly as a livestream via Zoom and can be attended from any location as well as from the listed lecture hall. In the lecture hall as well as with digital participation it will be possible to interact with the lecturer and the other students.

Introduction to Engineering Systems; Product Development Processes and Methods; Lean Engineering; Agile Engineering; User-Centered Design and Design Thinking; Change Management and Transformation; Risk Management; Design for X; Product Lifecycle beyond development; Future of Product Development


U. Lindemann: Methodische Entwicklung technischer Produkte, Springer, 2009
B. Bender, K. Gericke (Hrsg.): Pahl/Beitz Konstruktionslehre, Springer, 2021
E. Kirchner: Werkzeuge und Methoden der Produktentwicklung, Springer, 2020

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl

Further Grading Information
For more information, please refer to the associated Moodle course.

Nachhaltigkeitsbezug der Veranstaltungsinhalte
The course addresses various approaches and methods to sustainable product development and corporate management. Aspects of ecological, economic and social sustainability are addressed.

All lecture materials will be made available digitally in Moodle.

Semester: Inverno 2022/23