Digital Teaching
According to current knowledge (03.08) the event will be held in presence.

This course comprises the following topics:

1. Introduction to the topic of digitalisation in the context of mechanical engineering

2. introduction to programming paradigms and languages

3. data structures and algorithms

4. fundamentals of computing technology and world wide web

5. methods, chances and limitations of machine learning

6. aspects of digital literacy

7. methods and technologies for implementing research data management RDM, the FAIR principles including ensuring formal data quality and software quality

8. introduction to software engineering (implementation, debugging, versioning)

9. legal, ethical and economic aspects of digitalisation  


Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl

Further Grading Information
Due to the orientation and introduction week (OE), [b]the lecture on 17.10.2022 is cancelled[/b].

Assessment methods

Special form: development project (Examination during the semester with three deliverables on individual software modules. Part of the examination is a short oral presentation of the results of the work in the context of the (presumably second) delivery and the answering of questions on this by the examinees.)


Semester: WT 2022/23