- Architect and Engineering law
- International Construction Contracts
- Claim Management
- Construction methods: high rise buildings
- Project Controlling
- Principles of accounting in construction
- Principles and methods of Lean Construction
- Exercises in construction technologies and management according to examples (quotation processing, work preparation, construction site controlling, BIM)

- Girmscheid/Motzko: Kalkulation, Preisbildung und Controlling in der Bauwirtschaft, Springer Vieweg Verlag
- Hoffmann/Motzko/Corsten: Aufwand und Kosten zeitgemäßer Schalverfahren, Zeittechnik Verlag
- Motzko: Baubetriebliche Aspekte beim Bau turmartiger Bauwerke, Ernst & Sohn Verlag
- Motzko: Praxis der Bauprozessmanagements, Ernst & Sohn Verlag
- Bauer: Baubetrieb, Springer Verlag
- Motzko/Martinek/Klingenberger/Binder: Bauprozessmanagement und Lean Construction, Construction Managers´Library
- BRZ Deutschland: Bauprojekte erfolgreich steuern und managen, Springer Vieweg Verlag
- Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie: BGL, Baugeräteliste, Bauverlag
- Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie/Zentralverband Deutsches Baugewerbe: KLR Bau, Rudolf Müller Verlag
- Hofstadler: Bauablaufplanung und Logistik im Baubetrieb, Springer Verlag
- Hofstadler: Schalarbeiten, Springer Verlag
- Krause/Ulke: Zahlentafeln für den Baubetrieb, Springer Vieweg Verlag
- Zilch/Diederichs/Beckmann/Gertz/Malkwitz/Moormann/Urban/Valentin: Handbuch für Bauingenieure, Springer Vieweg Verlag
- Motzko: Formwork and Falsework. In: Mechanics of Materials and Structures for Construction Managers, Construction Managers´Library
- Motzko et al.: Process Management - Lean Construction. Construction Managers´Library
- Nunually SW: Construction Methods and Management, Pearson 

Kompetenzen des Moduls Baubetrieb A2

Offizielle Kursbeschreibung
Learning Outcomes: The students …
- have an overview of the architectural and engineering contracts
- have an overview of the realization of construction projects in accordance with international construction contracts
- know the constructional aspects as well as the construction contract law related to different specifications
- are able to execute processes of tendering and work preparation
- have an overview of the requirements of health and safety on construction sites
- understand the acceptance and handover procedures
- know the meaning of claim management
- are able to define the necessary structures of construction site controlling and use them
- have thorough knowledge on construction methods for high rise buildings
- have an overview of the structure and the characteristics of accounting in construction 


Semester: WiSe 2022/23