The module deepens the learning content presented in Lecture I and presents the latest and visionary methods and devices with which preoperative three-dimensional treatment planning in the fields of surgery and digital dentistry can be carried out and transferred to the intraoperative situation to support the practitioner. These medical technology processes, concepts and associated device technologies are presented problem-oriented and in the narrow context of their medical applications. Based on existing technology problems, future developments in medical technology are presented and discussed. One focus is the application in the areas of neuronavigation, spinal and pelvic surgery in trauma, hand and reconstructive surgery, oncology, especially in the field of urology and various areas of reconstructive dentistry such as dental implantology, jaw reconstruction or care with individual dentures.

To be published during the event.

Concomitant participation either in the module „Digital Dentistry and Surgical Robotics and Navigation I" or in the module „ Digital Dentistry and Surgical Robotics and Navigation II" is recommended.

Further Grading Information
Stundenplan mit weiteren Informationen, wie bspw. Veranstaltungszeiten, Räume etc. erhalten Sie über zugeörigen Moodle Kurs.  In der Regel spätestens eine Woche vor dem erstem Kurstermin.

Semester: WT 2022/23