Course Contents
Ionic species in groundwater; ion balance; activity; solubility product; dissolution of gases in waters; the carbonate system; redox reactions; classification of waters; water chemistry and geological formations; evolution of water chemistry; presentation and interpretation of groundwater analyses; Schoeller and Piper diagram; hydrochemical calculations using PHREEQC.

Appelo C.A.J. & Postma D. (2005): Geochemistry Groundwater and Pollution; Balkema Publishers
Domenico, P.A. & Schwartz, F.W. (1998): Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology; Wiley & Sons.
Stumm, W. & Morgan, J.J. (1995): Aquatic Chemistry: Chemical Equilibria and Rates in Natural Waters; John Wiley & Sons.

Online Offerings

Semester: WT 2022/23