Course Contents
The focus of this course is on oral argumentation and discussion in German.

The aims of the course are to develop vocabulary in the field of popular science, social and professional topics and to learn communication strategies in order to reduce one's own speaking inhibitions and to gain more confidence in speaking freely.

With short lectures, role plays and discussion rounds, various language actions such as presentations, formal discussions and meetings, negotiations, complex service conversations, etc. are practised and consolidated in group and pair work.

Mündliche Wissenschaftssprache, Kommunizieren - Präsentieren - Diskutieren, Klett Verlag, Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch, ISBN 978-3-12-675367-8

Placement test or certificate from course on UNIcert III level or UNIcert II certificate

Further Grading Information
Requirement for course completion: portfolio

Additional Information
General Language

Semester: Inverno 2022/23