Digital Teaching

Fluid mechanics represents an important area in research and development because the vast mayority of industrial and natural processess are in one or the other way influenced or even dominated by fluid flow. Due to the complexity of the fundamental equations of fluid mechanics (Navier-Stokes eqn.),   general theory is not existing. For this reason the students learn to categorize a broad variety of different flow, to compute them and to interpret various technical flows.
The lecture treats the following topics:
[*]basic equations of incompressible fluid flow
[*]balance equations (differential and integral)
[*]vortical flows
[*]creeping flows
[*]exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations (jets,wakes,mixing layers, etc.)
[*]floating bearing theory
[*]introduction to boundary layer theory and perturbation methods
[*]introduction to turbulent flows
[*]surface waves and shallow water waves
[*]thin-film flows.

Lecture notes are provided on the lecture's moodle-website.

[i]Additional literature:[/i]
Spurk: Strömungslehre (Springer)
Schlichting und Gersten: Grenzschichttheorie, Verlag G. Braun
Pope: Turbulent Flows, Cambridge Universtity press 2000.

Fluidmechanics, ordinary and partial differential equation


Semester: Inverno 2022/23