- Basics of scientific presentations and reviewing
- Independent familiarization with current publications in computer vision or machine learning (in English)
- Further research on background literature, with help from a mentor
- Preparation of a two-part slide presentation (problem statement and proposed solution) of one publication, with feedback from mentor
- Writing a scientific “mock” review of another publication, with aid from mentor
- Giving the presentation in front of a mixed audience
- Guiding the interactive discussion after the presentation
- Active participation in discussions, including feedback to presenters

Actual publications, mostly last year.

Teilnehmer sollten Grundkenntnisse in Computer Vision, sowie idealerweise maschinellem Lernen besitzen (z.B. durch Besuch von Computer Vision I, Maschinelles Lernen: Statistische Verfahren I).

Semester: Inverno 2022/23