Course Contents
[*]Concepts of machine learning
[*]Linear methods
[*]Support vector machines
[*]Trees and ensembles
[*]Training and assessment
[*]Unsupervised learning
[*]Neural networks and deep learning
[*]Convolutional neuronal networks (CNNs)
[*]CNN applications
[*]Recurrent neural networks (RNNs)

[*]T. Hastie et al.: The Elements of Statistical Learning. 2. Aufl., Springer, 2008
[*]I. Goodfellow et al.: Deep Learning. MIT Press, 2016
[*]A. Géron: Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow. O’Reilly, 2017

Fundamental knowledge in linear algebra and statistics
Preferred: Lecture “Fuzzy logic, neural networks and evolutionary algorithms”

Online Offerings

Semester: Verão 2023