Course Contents
In this course, you will engage in a series of (coding) challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits through the help of IT-based systems and related information systems research. As preparation for these tasks, Dr. Martin Adam will reveal misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the design features of IT-based system that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a wellness activity into your life by means of a self–developed IT-system as well as to analyze and evaluate the data.

More specifically, the course gives an introduction to the theories and concepts in information systems research and combines them with practical and analytical applications to improve your well-being (e.g.,joy, quality of life, sustainability). First, we will talk about general psychological theories and concepts (e.g., cognitive bias, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation), which influence your subjective well-being. Building on these insights, you will acquainten concepts in information systems research (e.g., digital nudging, gamification) and the essential IT-specific success factors to understand the role of IT-based systems in influencing and increasing your well-being. Subsequently, Dr. Martin Adam will present illustrations using current examples from research and practice that you will evaluate against the background of the concepts conveyed. The course is supplemented by a mandatory exercise, in which you are expected to develop and use your own application to conduct and analyze the success of a wellness activity.

Semester: ST 2023