{mlang}Course Contents
Content: compressible flows, stream filament theory, shock waves, Prandtl-Meyer expansions, gas dynamic equations, aerofoil theory, lifting-line theory, compressible boundary layers.
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to compute the compressible flow field around airfoils, wings and fuselages, including the main aerodynamic coefficients (forces and moments). If necessary the influence of the boundary layer can be taken into consideration. The method of characteristics will be familiar as a tool for computing more complex geometries.
Date Topic:
Do, 18. Apr. 24 Introduction and thermodynamics fundamentals, speed of sound
Do, 25. Apr. 24 Laval Nozzle flow (quasi 1D, compressible isentropic flow)
Do, 02. May 24 Supersonic wind tunnels, normal and oblique shock theory
Do, 09. May 24 Shock reflection, application to engine inlet ducts
Do, 16. May 24 Prandtl-Meyer expansion (at sharp edges and curved surfaces),
Do, 23. May 24 Compressibility corrections (Goethert rule, Prandtl-Glauert rule), sonic barrier, critical pressure coefficient, supercritical aerofoils
Do, 30. May 24 Sub- and supersonic profiles, linearised supersonic flow theory, forces on an aerofoil, buffetting
Do, 06. Jun. 24 Lecture is cancelled
Do, 13. Jun. 24 Compressibility corrections 3D (Prandtl-Glauert-Goethert rule), three-dimensional compressibility effects for wings, yawed wings in supersonic flow
Tropea; Grundmann: Aerodynamik II, Shaker Verlag (Available at the institute SLA).
Anderson JD, Modern Compressible Flow, McGraw Hill, 1990
Lecture Aerodynamik I.
Expected number of participants
- Lehrende: Jeanette Hussong