Digital Teaching
The aim is to hold the lecture in presence. However, depending on the pandemic situation and legal plans, the lecture may also be held online. Information and the Zoom link can be found in moodle in time. 

Course Contents
[*]Examples for the usage of cast material and cast components.
[*]Overview over the mostly used cast materials, their quasi-static and cyclic characteristics, overview over cast processes and moulding materials and their importance for defect free cast components, examples and limiting effects for the usage of cast materials.   
[*]Structural durability of cast components and materials, quasi-static and cyclic material behaviour, cyclic characterization of cast materials for lifetime assessment, load analysis of operating and extreme loads, size effects, possibilities for a lifetime assessment also for large cast components.
[*]Material defects in cast components and their effects on strength and lifetime, typical defects in cast com-ponents and their assessment with the help of cast simulation, introduction to standards to determine material defects (ASTM and BDG).
[*]Design of cast components, standards (e.g.: BDG K200), aspects for a lightweight construction, examples from practical application.
[*]Lifetime assessment of cast components, problems and solutions for the lifetime assessment when casting defects occur by connecting non-destructive testing, cast simulation and structural durability, new ma-terial concepts and their effect on fatigue (ADI).
[*]Virtual based lifetime assessment, process simulation, assessment of local microstructures in changing wall thicknesses with the help of cast simulation, “Foundry 4.0”.
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
[*]Assign the different cast materials with regard to their characteristics to their usage.  
[*]Describe the lifetime determining parameters for cast components (stress/strain, material parameters, size effects and material defects).
[*]Explain the conditions for a lightweight and lifetime optimized cast component with regard to the manufacturing process and usable simulation tools.
[*]To decide, how the lifetime of a cast component can be properly assessed with regard to changing wall thicknesses, size effects and defects by the usage of simulation and non-destructive testing tools and methods.

[*]Haibach, E.: Betriebsfestigkeit – Verfahren und Daten zur Bauteilberechnung. Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006
[*]Hasse, S.: Guß- und Gefügefehler – Erkennung, Deutung und Vermeidung von Guß- und Gefügefehlern bei der Erzeugung von gegossenen Komponenten. Schiele & Schön Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 3-7949-0639-X, 1999
[*]DNV GL, “Machinery for wind turbines, DNVGL-ST-0361,” DNV GL AS, September 2016
[*]Krautkrämer, J.; Krautkrämer, H.: Werkstoffprüfung mit Ultraschall. 5., völlig überarbeitete Auflage, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, ISBN-Nr. 978-3-662-10910-6, 1986
[*]Bührig-Polaczek, A.; Michaeli, W.; Spur, G.: Handbuch Urformen, Verlag: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Print ISBN: 978-3-446-42035-9, 2013
[*]More Literature provided and discussed during lecture

Official Course Description
During the lecture the following topics in terms of manufacturing and load optimized cast components will be discussed:
[*]Examples for the usage of cast material and cast components.
[*]Overview over the mostly used cast materials, their quasi-static and cyclic characteristics, overview over cast processes and moulding materials and their importance for defect free cast components, examples and limiting effects for the usage of cast materials.   
[*]Structural durability of cast components and materials, quasi-static and cyclic material behaviour, cyclic characterization of cast materials for lifetime assessment, load analysis of operating and extreme loads, size effects, possibilities for a lifetime assessment also for large cast components.
[*]Material defects in cast components and their effects on strength and lifetime, typical defects in cast com-ponents and their assessment with the help of cast simulation, introduction to standards to determine material defects (ASTM and BDG).
[*]Design of cast components, standards (e.g.: BDG K200), aspects for a lightweight construction, examples from practical application.
[*]Lifetime assessment of cast components, problems and solutions for the lifetime assessment when casting defects occur by connecting non-destructive testing, cast simulation and structural durability, new ma-terial concepts and their effect on fatigue (ADI).
[*]Virtual based lifetime assessment, process simulation, assessment of local microstructures in changing wall thicknesses with the help of cast simulation, “Foundry 4.0”.
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
[*]Assign the different cast materials with regard to their characteristics to their usage.  
[*]Describe the lifetime determining parameters for cast components (stress/strain, material parameters, size effects and material defects).
[*]Explain the conditions for a lightweight and lifetime optimized cast component with regard to the manufacturing process and usable simulation tools.
[*]To decide, how the lifetime of a cast component can be properly assessed with regard to changing wall thicknesses, size effects and defects by the usage of simulation and non-destructive testing tools and methods.

Semester: ST 2023