Digital Teaching
The course material and announcements for the lecture and the exercises are provided via Moodle. If it is not possible to offer face-to-face lectures, they will be offered digitally as live transmission and/or recording. The access data to transmission platforms will be communicated in the Moodle course.

Course Contents
[b]Course content:[/b]
Contents of the lecture series are current research questions, relevant specialist topics, methodical approaches to solving complex as well as problems from the environmental engineering sciences.

[b]Learning goals:[/b]
The course presents contributions from practice and research in the form of a lecture series. The program is newly compiled each semester and thus reflects the current issues discussed in science and application. The inclusion of speakers from industry and administration serves the exchange of experience between university and practice. In the individual contributions to the lecture series, the underlying environmentally relevant problems are presented and methods and procedures for interdisciplinary processing are explained.

Online Offerings

Semester: Verão 2023