Course Contents
The exercise introduces scientific writing in the field of environmental science. Based on general principles of scientific writing, current scientific literature related to the lecture topics is analyzed with regard to the aspects of structure, efficient reading, principles and elements of scientific writing. Practical exercises are used for training scientific writing skills.

Literature will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Sustainability Reference of the Course Contents
The course „Environmental Sciences“ provides a holistic view of current environmental challenges, their impacts on society and possible ways to tackle them. Among the 17 SDGs of the United Nations, the course „Environmental Sciences“ directly embraces Goal 6 – clean water and sanitation; Goal 7 – affordable and clean energy; Goal 11 – sustainable cities and communities; Goal 12 – responsible consumption and production; Goal 13 – climate action; Goal 14 – life bellow water; and Goal 15 – life on land.

The exercises give the students the opportunity to develop their scientific writing communication in current topics of environmental science and sustainability.

Online Offerings

Semester: Verão 2023