Course Contents
This course is aimed at students with a good knowledge of Russian.

The goal of this course is for students to be able to communicate independently in everyday situations. The following topics will be covered: Job and Career, Education and University, new technologies and protecting the environment. The following grammar topics will be covered: Noun and pronoun declension, ambiguous conjunctions, adjective and adverbial comparatives and superlatives, aspect, past (imperfect/perfect) and future tense.

Tochka RU A2 Kursbuch ISBN 978-5-6040-7333-9 und Arbeitsbuch 978-5-6040-7333-9

Placement test or certificate from Russian III/IV

Further Grading Information
Requirement for course completion: two written exams

Additional Information
General Language
Level: A2/B1

Semester: ST 2023