[*]Basic introduction to the regulation of distribution systems operators. In this context, different tasks of the grids with regard to the energy supply as well as the „Energiewende“ will be addressed.
[*]Technical functions for the operation of grid supply. Functions here are asset management, system operations and metering.
[*]Excursion with on-site visit (grid control center, current project or power plants)
[*]Non-technical functions related to the operation of grid supply. These include regulatory functions such as connection management and billing, occupational safety and management of critical infrastructure.
[*]Incentive regulation as a regulatory framework for utility network operation
[*]Insights into entrepreneurial tasks and field reports

A lecture notes or slides can be downloaded:
[*]Moodle Platform
Additional literature:
[*]To be announced at the beginning of the lecture

Good knowledge of content of the lecture "Energietechnik"

Nachhaltigkeitsbezug der Veranstaltungsinhalte
Drivers and trends in (German) power grids

Semester: ST 2023