Course Contents
observation, planning and reflexion of mathematics lessons as well as didactic and methodical concepts of learning environments, using didactic literature; discussion about a specialised didactic main focus. The students continue her portfolio from the practise phases I and II during the traineeship, take part in a consultation offer and write a training period report.

Barzel, B., Holzäpfel, L., Leuders, T., & Streit, C. (2011). Scriptor Praxis - Mathematik: Mathematik unterrichten: Planen, durchführen, reflektieren: Buch mit Kopiervorlagen. Cornelsen Verlag Scriptor.
Kratz, H. (2011). Wege zu einem kompetenzorientierten Mathematikunterricht – Ein Studien- und Praxisbuch für die Sekundarstufe. Kallmeyer – Klett, Seelze.
Meyer, H. (2004). Praxisbuch: Was ist guter Unterricht? Mit didaktischer Landkarte. Cornelsen Verlag Scriptor.

Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Practise Phase I
(participation without certification of prerequisites is possible)

Online Offerings

Semester: Verão 2023