Digitale Lehre
The course is oriented on the implementation of digital methods in the practice of work with the archived web. It gives an overview of the digital tools for exploring, collecting, and analysing data from web archives (such as Internet Archive, TROVE, and others). It does not require any specific digital skills to proceed with the tasks of the course. The advanced students will have an overview of more complex tools to operate. 

The course is oriented on open and free software. Please bring your laptops with you to practice with the digital tools.

The main topics of the course are:
1.     Open Web-Archives: Comparative observation of the main features
2.     Internet Archive & Wayback machine: An Overview
3.     Snapshots in retrospective: Organising with Tropy
4.     Create the Collection from Live Web: Personal Account on the Internet Archive
5.     (Re)Play the Collection 1: Extensions to the Web Browsers
6.     (Re)Play the Collection 2: Memento Services
7.     Creating Digital Collection with Conifer
8.     Websites on the Wayback Machine as a Collection
9.     SolrWayback: Installation of the Tool
10.  SolrWayback: Main Features of the Search
11.  Anylise & Visualise the collection 1: Building a corpus from the Web archive with HTMLAsText
12.  Anylise & Visualise the collection 2: Transfer to AntConq
13.  Play with Cultural Data: Glam Workbench
14.  Structurised Thinking & Interpretation of Data with Obsidian


To drag dipper understanding of the theory of web preservation, exploration, and analysis using digital methods, please have a look at the list of recommended reading:

1.       Ayala B. R., Caragea C. (2015) Towards building a collection of web archiving research articles. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. URL:
2.       Bødker H. Journalism History and Digital Archives // Digital Journalism, 2018. Vol. 6(9). Pp. 1113–1120, DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2018.1516114. URL:
3.       Brügger N. (2011). Web archiving – Between past, present and future. In: M. Consalvo & C. Ess (Eds.) The handbook of internet studies. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. p. 25.
4.       Brügger N. (2016) Webraries and Web archives: the Web between public and private. In W. Evans and D. Baker (Eds), The End of Wisdom? The Future of Libraries in a Digital Age. Oxford: Chandos. Pp. 185–190.
5.       Brügger N. (2018) The Archived Web: DOIng History in the Digital Age. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. 200 p.
6.       Couldry N. Mejias, UA (2019) Data colonialism: Rethinking big data’s relation to the contemporary subject // Television & New Media. Vol. 20(4). Pp. 336–349. URL: 1177/1527476418796632
7.       Dulong de Rosnay M., Guadamuz A. (2017) Memory Hole or Right to Delist? Implications of the Right to be Forgotten for Web Archiving // RESET, Vol. 6. Online since 30 October 2016. DOI:, URL:
8.       Engle E. Legal Issues in Web Archiving. The blog post. In: The Signal. May 30, 2012. URL:
9.       Finnemann N. O. (2018) Web archives and Knowledge organization. In: Birger Hjørland (Ed.) ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization & Knowledge Organization. URL:
10.   Hale S. A., Blank G., Alexander V. D. (2017) Live versus archive: Comparing a web archive to a population of web pages. In: Niels Brügger, Ralph Schroeder (Eds.) The Web as History. Using Web Archives to Understand the Past and the Present. Pp. 45–61.
11.   Hitchcock T. (2015) The UK Web Archive, Born-Digital Sources, and Rethinking the Future of Research. In: Web Archives for Historians (blog), 5 June 2015. URL:
12.   Kirschenbaum M. (2013). The .txtual condition: digital humanities, borndigital archives, and the future literary // Digital Humanities Quarterly, Vol. 7(1), URL:
13.   Kunze S., Power B. (2018) Capturing commemoration: the 1916 Easter Rising web archive project, Internet Histories, 2:1-2. Pp. 202–217, DOI: 10.1080/24701475.2018.1446238
14.   Lasfargues F., Oury, C., & Wendland, B. (2008). Legal deposit of the French Web:Harvesting strategies for a national domain. Proceedings from IWAW '08: 8th InternationalWorkshop for Web Archiving, Denmark. URL:
15.   Milligan I. (2015) Finding Community in the Ruins of GeoCities: Distantly Reading a Web Archive // UWSpace. 2015. URL:
16.   Schafer V., Truc G., Badouard R., Castex L., Musiani F. (2019) Paris and Nice terrorist attacks: Exploring Twitter and web archives // Media, War & Conflict. Vol. 12(2). Pp. 153–170. DOI:10.1177/1750635219839382. URL:
17.   Zimmer M. The Twitter Archive at the Library of Congress: Challenges for information practice and information policy. First Monday, Volume 20, Number 7–6 July 2015. URL: fm/article/download/5619/4653



Semester: SoSe 2023