Expected Number of Participants

Official Course Description
AKA_Stuhl – Freie Platzwahl !
This seminar will be the first step in the realisation of the project for the Lernraum Maschinenhalle on the Stadtmitte campus, which is to be implemented with student participation: We will start with the probably most important object of the learning and meeting place and will not only consider what a chair must be able to do, but above all what it can be. Not only functional, ergonomic, technical and economic aspects play a role, but also aesthetic, cultural and social ones. We want to look at the subject historically, conceptually and practically. Every great designer and architect has designed at least one chair that expresses their respective understanding of design. "You might say that when we design a chair, we create a society and a city en miniature," wrote Peter Smithson in 1986 about the type of architect's chair. "It is easier to design a skyscraper than a chair," on the other hand, said Mies van der Rohe. 
The course AKA_Stuhl is run in collaboration with teachers from the h_da's Industriedesign Department and the product and furniture designer Klemens Schillinger (Vienna). They will accompany us with knowledge in the fields of history, ergonomics, materials science, manufacturing theory, construction, manufacturing and assembly processes.
After the concept and design phase, prototypes of the designed chairs will be built in a production phase and finally the motto is: free choice of seat!

Further information:
The material costs for Mockups and prototypes of the chairs will be covered.
The production phase of the prototypes will be credited with 2CP as a Doppelstegreif, which means that a total of 5CP can be credited for the seminar.
Participants are cordially invited to take part in the excursion of the FG EUR to various universities (e.g. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, TU München, die architektur Linz) and design-build projects during the excursion week of 24.04.

Kick-off and issue of the assignment      13.04.2023
Interim critique concept                         11.05.2023
Interim critique design                           15.06.2023
Final presentation with prototype           27.07.2023

Additional Information
13.04.2023, 10:00-12:30 [b]Project kick-off[/b], input Klemens Schillinger and task analysis

20.04.2023, 10:00-12:30 [b]Mini-presentation analysis[/b], input h_da and task chair concept

04.05.2023, 10:00-12:30 Consultation Concept

11.05.2023, 10:00-12:30 [b]Interim critique concept[/b] and task planning and mockup chair

25.05.2023, 10:00-12:30 Consultation Planning

01.06.2023, 10:00-12:30 Consultation Planning

15.06.2023, 10:00-12:30 [b]Interim critique design[/b] and task definition construction prototype

22.06.2023, 10:00-12:30 Consultation Construction and workshop consultation

29.06., 06.07, 13.07, 20.07 Construction and workshop consultation after individual consultation

27.07.2023, 9:00-12:30[b] Final presentation[/b] with free choice of seat !

Semester: ST 2023