1. wave particle dualism
[*]particle character of light
[*]wave character of particles
2. wave mechanics
[*]Schrödinger equation
[*]wave functions
3. Mathemathical formalism of quantum mechanics
[*]Hilbert space
[*]statistical interpretation
[*]uncertainty principle
[*]Ehrenfest theorem
[*]uncertainty of energy and time
[*]Dirac notation
4. Example solutions
[*]General properties of the solutions, bound and scattering states
[*]infinite square well
[*]harmonic oscillator
[*]delta function potential well
[*]finite square well
[*]potential barrier and tunneling
5. Free electron description of solids
[*]Sommerfeld theory of the free electron gas
[*]free electrons in a periodic lattice
[*]the origin of energy gaps
6. Spherically symmetric potentials
[*]Schrödinger equation in spherical coordinates
[*]Analytical Solution of the angular equation
[*]the radial equation
[*]te angular momentum
[*]the spin
[*]addition of angular momenta
[*]mgnetic moments
[*]spin-orbit coupling
7. Many particle systems
[*]identical particles
[*]Pauli principle
[*]The Helium atom
[*]the periodic table and Hund's rules
8. Perturbation theory

[*]Andreas Klein [i]Lecture Notes (english)[/i]
[*]David J. Griffths, [i]Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (engl)[/i]
[*]Haken, Brewer, Wolf, [i][i]The physics of atoms and quanta (engl)[/i][/i]
[*]W. Nolting, [i]Grundkurs theoretische Physik 5/1-2 (deutsch) [/i]
[*]Haken,Wolf, [i][i]Atom- und Quantenphysik (deutsch)[/i][/i]
[*]Ibach,Lüth [i]Solid State Physics[/i]


Semester: WiSe 2023/24