Course Contents
1. wave particle dualism

    particle character of light
    wave character of particles

2. wave mechanics

    Schrödinger equation
    wave functions

3. Mathemathical formalism of quantum mechanics

    Hilbert space
    statistical interpretation
    uncertainty principle
    Ehrenfest theorem
    uncertainty of energy and time
    Dirac notation

4. Example solutions

    General properties of the solutions, bound and scattering states
    infinite square well
    harmonic oscillator
    delta function potential well
    finite square well
    potential barrier and tunneling

5. Free electron description of solids

    Sommerfeld theory of the free electron gas
    free electrons in a periodic lattice
    the origin of energy gaps

6. Spherically symmetric potentials

    Schrödinger equation in spherical coordinates
    Analytical Solution of the angular equation
    the radial equation
    te angular momentum
    the spin
    addition of angular momenta
    mgnetic moments
    spin-orbit coupling

7. Many particle systems

    identical particles
    Pauli principle
    The Helium atom
    the periodic table and Hund's rules

8. Perturbation theory

[*]Andreas Klein, [i]Lecture Notes (english)[/i]
[*]David J. Griffths, [i]Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (engl)[/i]
[*]Haken, Brewer, Wolf, [i][i]The physics of atoms and quanta (engl)[/i][/i]
[*]W. Nolting, [i]Grundkurs theoretische Physik 5/1-2 (deutsch) [/i]
[*]Haken,Wolf, [i][i]Physics of atoms and quanta (english)[/i][/i]
[*]Ibach,Lüth[i] Solid State Physics[/i]

background knowledge in solid state physics is helpful

Semester: WT 2023/24