Course Contents
[b]Spatial Perception| Spatial Experience| Spatial Mediation - Landscape as Soundscape[/b]

Spaces - no matter if city or "nature" - are primarily experienced visually. Therefore, architecture is strongly influenced by the visible representation in plans and graphics. However, spatial perception is always multisensual, sounds and smells, but also temperature, tactile textures as well as our previous experience complete our spatial impression.

The module "Spatial Perception| Spatial Experience| Spatial Mediation - Landscape as Soundscape" wants to deal with different aspects of spatial perception and mediation using the example of the Hessian Kinzig-Auental.

A "soundscape" is to be developed, which captures special features and typologies of the space, but which is also to sensitize for a more attentive handling of the natural space "Aue".

For this purpose, audio files are to be created in groups, which in sum will become a "soundscape" of the Kinzig-Auental.

Further Grading Information
For more info see the website of the institute e f:

Start: Fri. 14.04.2023 at 10:30 a.m.
Final presentation: 30.06.2023
Excursion: Expected on Fri. 21.04.2023

The final schedule will be announced in the seminar on 14.04.2023!

Sustainability Reference of the Course Contents
The "Soundscape" should be an invitation for local residents and visitors to discover the Kinzig-Auental; but it should also encourage a mindful approach to the natural space and its cultural assets.

The "Soundscape" is therefore to be understood as a part of the sustainable further development of day tourism and local recreation in the Kinzig-Auental.

Online Offerings

Semester: ST 2023